Press Release

Digital Arts Inc.

Flexible Customer Needs-Based Feature Selection Now Possible on Misdelivery Prevention Product m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version)

Information security solutions provider Digital Arts Inc. (headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Toshio Dogu; hereinafter referred to as “Digital Arts”; Code 2326) is pleased to announce that the following changes will be made to the features of the email security product m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version): the pop-up type email misdelivery prevention feature will come as standard and PPAP alternatives will be available as an optional add-on. This new version with further improved email misdelivery prevention features will be available from January 16, 2025.

Rising Security Incidents from Email Misdelivery and the Current Use of PPAP Alternatives

According to an independent tally conducted by Digital Arts*1, the number of security incidents caused by email misdelivery in Japan reached 158 in 2023 and 79 in the first half of 2024. With approximately 20 business days in each month, this works out to be roughly one incident every two days.
Furthermore, as the Government of Japan announced its policy to abolish the use of encrypted ZIP email attachments (PPAP) in 2020, companies have been working to find alternative methods. However, in a survey on the current use of PPAP alternatives in Japanese companies and organizations published by Digital Arts in November 2024,*2 only 25.8% of system administrators reported already having switched methods.

*1 "Independent Tally of Security Incidents Within Japan for the First Half of 2024" published by Digital Arts on September 26, 2024
*2 Excerpt from "Survey on Email Misdelivery at Companies" published by Digital Arts on November 1, 2024

m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible) Now with a Range of All-New Features

Digital Arts' email security software m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version) provides measures against email misdelivery and alternatives to the PPAP method. It is compatible with the current and latest versions of Outlook for Windows and Outlook on the Web.

Previously, both email misdelivery prevention and PPAP alternatives came as standard, however, in this new version, email misdelivery prevention is standard while PPAP alternatives can be added as an optional extra. As such, pricing has also been updated. This will allow users to choose the plan that suits their security needs, whether that be improving prevention against email misdelivery or also implementing PPAP alternatives. Additionally, for users who are already using PPAP alternatives through email security products such as m-FILTER, eliminating the overlap of certain features will enable them to use the software at a lower price.

The email misdelivery prevention pop-up feature that comes as standard automatically displays a pop-up window whenever an email is sent and requests the sender to confirm the recipient, email content and attachments. If the system determines that the email recipient is likely incorrect, it will display a warning and require each item to be confirmed before sending.
The PPAP alternatives that will now be offered as additional extras automatically encrypt email attachments and upload them to online storage provided by Digital Arts. When the recipient accesses the URL added to the email and completes the authentication process, they will be allowed to access and download the file. This feature provides a secure and convenient alternative to PPAP.

Series Price Revisions (all prices listed are excluding tax)

The price of m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version) will be revised to 200 yen per license. The PPAP alternative add-on will be offered at 100 yen per license. The m-FILTER MailAdviser series (Outlook/Becky!/Thunderbird Version) will also be revised to 200 yen per license. As with before, the PPAP alternative will continue to be offered as an "improved encryption add-on" using Digital Arts' file security product FinalCode at 100 yen per license.

New Features of m-FILTER MailAdviser (Microsoft 365 Compatible Version)

1. Delayed Email Sending
The feature allows users to set a time after which emails will be sent. When first sent, the emails will be saved as drafts in Outlook. One of the issues with trying to prevent accidental email misdelivery was that not all users could delay their emails. However, with this new feature, now all users will be able to delay the sending of their emails in Outlook.
2. Attachment Previews
This feature works in conjunction with Microsoft OneDrive and uses the OneDrive file preview feature to prompt users to check the content of attachments before sending. Using this feature will help to strengthen measures against the misdelivery of emails with attachments.

We will continue to develop products and improve upon existing features to provide safety and security to our customers.
Digital Arts Inc. Overview
Digital Arts Inc. is an information security solution provider focused on the development and sales of security software for web, e-mail, files and other uses.
Since its founding in 1995, the company philosophy has been "Contributing to a safer, better, more convenient internet lifestyle" and since developing web-filtering software to prevent the browsing of harmful information on the internet, the company has been promoting internet security products to companies, the public sector and homes everywhere.
Otemachi First Square, West Tower 14F, 1-5-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan